Thursday, 28 July 2011

New Wax Removal Clinic Opens at Oxford Hearing Centre

Commencing July 1st 2011  we will be able to carry out wax clearing and ear cleaning in our new aural care clinic here at Oxford Hearing Centre.

We know that ear wax (or cerumen to give it the correct name) is not the most pleasant of substances, but if there’s one thing that regularly affects our patients, their hearing aids and our ability to carry out our job, it’s ear wax!

Blocked ears render hearing tests inaccurate, cause hearing aids to malfunction or whistle and ear impressions to be useless.

In the past you’ve had the inconvenience of wasted visits and we’ve had to rely on
the support of your GP or practice nurse to clear this for you. In some clinics there seems to be a reluctance to carry out ear wax removal at all.

So we’ve further invested in training and more state of the art equipment to be able to offer this new service to you. All of the audiologists on staff are able to clear ears by using water irrigation or dry clearing with specialist tools. This is carried out with the use of a special microscope to provide you the safest, most comfortable and highly effective procedure possible. We also offer a quick free ear examination.

Call  01865-861861 or 